About campus life

Information for a successful stay!
Exchange students receive personal guidance throughout their entire study period.
Need help with day-to-day or administrative procedures? We are on hand to provide support, feel free to contact us!

INSA Rouen Normandie has published a Student Welcome Guide for international students to make their arrival in the city, on campus and at school, easier. It provides useful information (administrative services, contacts, etc.) to ensure students enjoy a smooth stay. Click to download in the menu on the left (in red).

EIn addition, please visit the France Campus website. .You will find helpful information for your stay in France.

La Direction des Relations Internationales organise des webinaires à destination des étudiants internationaux en mobilité encadrée (échange bilatéral, Erasmus+, double-diplôme) ou en mobilité individuelle afin de préparer leur arrivée dans les meilleures conditions. Ils ont lieu en:

  • Juillet
  • Décembre

Vous recevrez un lien d'inscription par courriel.

Le Welcome Program est un programme d'intégration de 2 ou 3 semaines à destination des étudiants en mobilité encadrée (échange bilatéral, Erasmus+, double-diplôme) ou en mobilité individuelle. Il a eu mi-août avant la rentrée en septembre.

L'objectif : garantir une intégration réussie au sein de l'établissement!

Pour plus d'informations sur les modalités d'inscription, cliquez ici.

Le lien pour confirmer votre inscription vous sera envoyé par courriel.


Exchange students receive a personalized welcome.

Pre-entry administrative meetings are held late August and late January at the International Relations Department (Magellan building, ground floor). You will be informed about registration matters (administrative and academic information) and assisted in administrative procedures (visa, insurance, etc.).


All the new procedures for visa applications can be found on the new official website https://france-visas.gouv.fr

  • European students do not require a residency permit.

In addition, the school will provide you with relevant information during your stay (tourist maps, public transportation schedules, etc.).

A welcome desk at either the station or the airport is available for students who are coming for the Welcome Program - Summer or Winter.

Academic registration must be done at the Academic Department. This second registration step concerns courses and test accreditation. Please contact the reception desk at your assigned department, mentioned on your admissions letter, to establish an academic/study contract.

  • Buddy System

C'est une plateforme en ligne qui associe des étudiants internationaux et des étudiants locaux à un programme de parrainage au sein de l'INSA Rouen Normandie. Votre mentor vous accompagnera dans la découverte de la ville (Rouen ou Le Havre) et vous guidera pour vos premiers pas au sein de l'INSA. Inscrivez-vous vite pour trouver votre futur parrain ou marraine : https://buddysystem.eu/fr/

  • Prêt de kit vaisselle

La Direction des Relations Internationales propose des kits vaisselles gratuits dans la limite des stocks disponible pour favoriser votre intégration. La réservation se fait auprès de la chargée de la mobilité entrante (incomingstudents@insa-rouen.fr).


  • Welcom’INSA

WelcomINSA est une structure composée d'étudiants locaux et internationaux dont le but est de favoriser l'intégration des étudiants internationaux par le biais de plusieurs canaux : groupe de conversation Whatsapp, événements d'intégration etc. Trouvez-les sur Facebook et Instagram et n'hésitez pas à les contacter.

Eating on campus

A wide choice of meal options: INSA cafeteria, university restaurants and many other locations on both campuses.

Campus accommodations

Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray campus

Students registered on the Saint-Etienne du Rouvray campus can stay at one of our residence halls located near the Saint-Etienne du Rouvray campus (Madrillet Technopôle), and near public transportation (subway-bus) and shops.

Residence hall maps

Le Havre campus

INSA Rouen Normandie does not provide housing in Le Havre but can help you find accommodations

Only students having received an admissions letter from INSA can apply for housing.

Students can request financial aid for monthly rent (APL – Aide personnalisée au logement). International students must provide proof of a valid residency permit and have a bank or postal account in France.

To reside in France and obtain a residency permit in Normandy, international students must provide proof of sufficient financial resources during their stay. Students are recommended to anticipate a monthly budget of at least €700 to live adequately. This amount covers everyday expenses (housing, meals, recreational activities and transportation, etc.). For more information go to the France Campus website..

Although the cost of living in Rouen is lower than in many other French cities, international students should foresee expenses for settling in, clothing and educational material. Student status allows to benefit from preferential rates such as lower rent, and discounts on transportation and recreational activities. You can also work during your stay in France on a long-stay student visa, under specific conditions. For more information, click here. . You can also apply for scholarships from your home country or from specific organizations. More information on the Campus France.

Health insurance is mandatory for all students.

Students must pay upfront for medical fees in France. French Social Security services reimburse up to 70% of health expenses; it is highly recommended to subscribe to a personal health insurance policy to cover additional fees. Reimbursement rates range from €80 to €300 per year, according to coverage packages.
Two health insurance centers offer such services LMDE (La Mutuelle des Étudiants) and SMENO (Société Mutualiste des Etudiants de la Région Nord Ouest).

For EU citizens under 28, an E-128 form is mandatory to obtain partial reimbursement of paid sums (reimbursement rates vary according to surgical intervention or drug prescriptions). European Health Insurance Cards are also valid. For non-EU citizens, registration at the French National Health Insurance (Securité Sociale) is automatic upon registration.