how to come as a degree-seeking student?

Foreign students wishing to begin or continue their higher education in France as regularly enrolled students (in 1st year or Master) must apply to the INSA Group Admission Service (SAGI).

If you are an international student, we recommend that you contact the Campus France office in your country before applying.

If you live in one of the 69 countries covered by the "Etudes en France" procedure, you will have to follow the procedures on the "Etudes en France" platform, in parallel with the procedures requested by the INSA Group Admission Service. All the information is available here, in several languages.

All the information on how to apply for an engineering degree at INSA Rouen Normandie can be found in the Education section.

International students can prepare for the INSA engineering diploma by joining the school after the baccalauréat.


  • In the traditional Engineering Science and Technology stream (STPI)
    This stream is reserved for French-speaking students (C1 level of French).
    Application: click here.


  • International Bilingual Section (SIB)
    Since 1999, the Bilingual International Section has been preparing future professionals for the demands of mobility and working in international teams. The teaching is similar to that of the traditional section (the scientific programme and teaching structures are identical to those of the traditional section) but with a specific approach, since half of the course is in English.
    Admission and application requirements: click here
    A 3-week Welcome Program prepares students for their entry into the bilingual international section.


The Engineering Masters after a Bac+2 or equivalent.


Engineering Masters are available at all levels, in preparation for the INSA engineering diploma or as part of an exchange for 1 or 2 semesters of study.


To find out more about the different Engineering Specialities offered at INSA Rouen Normandie, click here.

It is possible for students to enter a Research Master after a Master 1.

For more information on the Masters offered at INSA Rouen Normandie, click here.

Foreign students can spend a period of study at INSA Rouen Normandie to obtain, in addition to the diploma from their home institution, the INSA Engineering Master's degree.


PLEASE NOTE: if you wish to apply for a double degree, you will need to follow the exchange studentprocedure and be nominated by the International Relations Department of your home institution.


Not all engineering specialities are open to double degrees. For more information on partnerships offering a double-diploma, consult the partnership map.


3 centres of expertise - 8 laboratories


INSA Rouen Normandie occupies a major place in the landscape of engineering education in France. Studying research themes from our three areas of expertise through synergy between our training courses, research laboratories, the High Technology Machining Centre and the Centres for Technological and Industrial Studies and Research (CERTI) enables us to provide a decompartmentalised response to the major challenges facing knowledge and society.


For more information about enrolling for a PhD, click here.

Important information about registration fees for international students

Campus France: click here.