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Main domainChemistry, Health, Process Engineering, Industrial Ecology
Co-accredited institutions: INSA Rouen Normandie, Université de Rouen Normandie
Program location: UFR Sciences et Techniques (Mont-Saint-Aignan)

Label diplôme national de master contrôlé par l'État

Graduates of the Chemistry specialization receive a high-level theoretical training in chemistry, complemented by specialization in organic chemistry, analysis and spectrochemistry, or polymers and surfaces. This theoretical training, supplemented by a practical internship in a public or private laboratory, opens the door to careers as chemical engineers in R&D or technical sales. The specialization also opens up the possibility of further study for positions in research and development, both in large international groups and in SMEs, in all sectors of industry, in major research organizations or in higher education.

  • Chemistry
  • polymers
  • spectrochemistry
  • analysis
  • molecules
  • pharmaceutical
  • petrochemistry

Les dernières actualités

Training description

Organic Chemistry for Life and Health track

The "Organic Chemistry of Molecules for Life" course trains students to be versatile in the field of organic synthesis and analysis of (bio)molecules. The majority of graduates go on to complete doctoral theses in academic laboratories or companies, both in France and, very often, abroad. Upon completion of the doctoral thesis, students can find employment in the academic (e.g. university, CNRS, CEA or INSERM) and industrial (e.g. fine chemicals, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, agrochemical or petrochemical industries) sectors, as well as in organizations involved in environmental and energy issues. Graduates who do not go on to complete a thesis will find career opportunities in these same industrial sectors, particularly in development services.



Chemistry, Polymers, Biomaterials and Ecomaterials pathway

The "Polymers and Surfaces" track offers students a multi-disciplinary track at the Chemistry-Biology and Chemistry-Physics interfaces, and is therefore more widely open to the various scientific professions in the public and private sectors. This track enables students not only to prepare a doctoral thesis at a university or industrial site, or to pursue a career as a teacher/researcher at a university or a researcher in a major organization (CNRS, CEA, etc.), but also to pursue a career in the corporate R&D sector (as a product development manager, in analysis and control laboratories, etc.).



Analysis and Spectrochemistry

The main aim of the "Analysis and Spectrochemistry" track is to train senior managers or PhDs in the field of structural and physico-chemical analysis for a wide variety of industries, particularly well represented in Normandy: the chemical, agri-food, pharmaceutical and petrochemical industries, and more generally in all business sectors requiring analysis.



XL Chem pathway

For the EUR XL Chem pathway, the aim is to offer training focused on research and technology transfer. The aim is to train scientific managers capable of responding to industrial issues linked to organic and analytical chemistry at the frontiers of the health, perfume and cosmetics, materials and analysis fields. Future leaders will be trained not only in fundamental research, but also in innovation strategies, thanks to a combination of fundamental scientific teaching, immersion in a collaborative international research project and managerial training.